Guild info

Destroyers of the West

Guild ID: Destroyers of the West
Founder Name: Gibsam
Date Founded: 2023-07-06
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 1,487,466,972
Death Fame: 1,627,058,003
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 33 from 60 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

45 Members
Name KillFame
cut755187 4,421,072
Gibsam 90,510,440
FredyFacko 13,163,607
Lepy4ka 5,898,211
TiKtoniCk 53,045,213
SmithOfMyLife 5,783,849
LombardiAM 4,483,694
YpokuY4u 110,203,067
Svin28 9,684,686
nikita22891 52,927,713
425autocanon 25,505,291
DressyDoor11985 806,730,365
PoxyiPofarmim 3,526,777,475
YashaLava777228 429,528
L1tc 46,779,717
piojop 13,663,192
Gofta 51,383,083
MrKrestik 39,488,620
KiborgUbiytsa666 675,446
gustleri 14,569,841
lsiriusl 19,640,762
Aasie 1,306,704
Latt3x 388,582,000
MaCTer2203 67,687,457
gggsel 7,446,667
mnbc234 9,763,717
ReLaX39 918,527,122
V4LER4K 2,502,584
vestasing 28,808,087
g0pherr 107,361,228
negr2997 15,161,135
qwiran 20,312,188
flaulers 161,434,030
Sanzerino 47,094
Pleeda 47,815,588
AnTyEk 81,550,175
ptGekko 22,479,476
DertiMUG 54,782,099
Trostis 55,676,643
wollfman 17,538,402
Kotletaaa 2,433,738
ThePrimus 2,469,970
badooon 9,216
AlhamDulilaTimur 7,448,031

Previous Guild Members

150 Previous