Guild info

Legion of Destiny

Guild ID: Legion of Destiny
Founder Name: princessas
Date Founded: 2023-01-08
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 199,195
Death Fame: 1,477,772
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 39 from 123 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

17 Members
Name KillFame
jokwer 136,176
Werdnite 0
mementomorison 0
njkbr666 0
Borwas 0
MarShall32 0
LohLoshped 0
Milfocika 0
lionpro001 0
NaomiSero 0
ProKvash 0
4eptte6ea 0
Volondor97 0
Alebreeze 0
Dumcasic 12,153
Blohus 0
princessas 12,153

Previous Guild Members

47 Previous