Guild info

Lions of Darkness

Guild ID: Lions of Darkness
Founder Name: Shunpo10
Date Founded: 2023-06-21
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 5,751,199
Death Fame: 10,701,727
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 17 from 33 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

11 Members
Name KillFame
DiHarry 616,221
stfa00 192,478
jaeliug 93,167
Kprao 1,109,489
beluxdoll 313,277
imperiatus1 0
Shunpo10 1,206,571
ErichGM 40,749
FinnCaleb 126,586
Microdosis 3,447,949
HansGM 2,698,887

Previous Guild Members

0 Previous