Guild info

The Immortal Alliance

Guild ID: The Immortal Alliance
Founder Name: Yvaire
Date Founded: 2021-06-16
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 123,010,717
Death Fame: 253,973,474
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 100 from 463 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Showing 100 of 195 results

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

31 Members
Name KillFame
tefo17 0
Morris0211 0
kotuknight 0
KUTAO 434,458
Crossai 166,433
Liem3000 0
DarkzDeathz 112,197
NamSlow1407 0
atunnhanpham 0
Zeusgangbang 0
NhatDai 2,088
VietNamWar 73,633
ChungHipHop 0
Jeanyfer 0
kaarinw 2,180,468
hieudepzai 2,520
Crab2C 3,123,033
suliiai 83,761
MiroKid 0
namha2912 0
Anyoungboiz 12,878
EUrsa 715,526
dkthcong20 0
WIL1998 4,540,244
WILIAM1998 0
Ysiral 0
panhmivjpro123 95,294
HoangLaoTa 0
ElninoT9 156,509
minorkk 0
Lolislayer2 77,667

Previous Guild Members

112 Previous