Guild info

The Last Of The Kings

Guild ID: The Last Of The Kings
Founder Name: AliCris
Date Founded: 2024-01-13
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 57,748,354
Death Fame: 402,980,193
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 18 from 38 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

215 Members
Name KillFame
MythicalMad 0
6MasterBaiter9 0
Neman2015 0
SirBusif 0
Hunterthehansom 0
LordSnots 0
fallensonic 0
Bartosthethird 0
stranpt 0
13ean 0
Icedemons333 0
Jaydeeno17 0
Hinzoh 0
BonAmputee 0
Rezthis 0
Starflight67 0
Veagonson 0
KahnCounquerer 0
Derekbrochill 0
0IQatAll 0
Segaleon 0
xsapphoenix 0
kuku56670 0
petalparty 0
CyrusChambers 0
Vassion 0
DeathSladeAlbion 0
nuke4753 0
Niezth 0
Ogmig 0
Izumi19ayo 0
Phedup 0
aqalirezam 194,919
Herreo 0
zxmamaliking 0
PlayaWB 0
Kid1899 0
Nokturnalsun 0
AliAlAssad 0
Hxkls 70,200
EriccQ 0
Hampesky 0
NotSaalt 0
GrapeSoul 0
RuckusRouser 0
Mvpina 0
GlizzyGlattt 0
Khan2929 0
ChungyMan 0
XOXO290 0
Ofreyyy 0
zlBonney 169,861
ProbotJr 0
RandomBandit 0
Zigorion 0
Levolin 0
PurpleSpartan 0
BreastMilker557 0
TheOneJonFallout 0
OlKillBoxlO 0
Dronian213 0
ggaming1214 0
xMally 0
aallyyaa 0
darkcrusaderiron 0
SirBreakfast 0
commanderkyguy 0
4azm 0
Embrola 0
Onerusty 0
1cornucopia1 0
Voldpoe23 17,352
Tiarra0518 0
Chepeleiro 0
Alt3r3go 8,280
Orclorc 0
Korbux 0
yung0ctober 0
AmplifiedSoul 0
KingBurns22 0
Sumthinscary 0
7875432 0
AIkonm 0
DedovPenis 8,388
AlfredEastone 0
JormaHeart 0
KnightHoundPal 0
Talpanel 50,599
Jtahh 0
WRelitex 17,963,249
TacitFirefox 0
xKaijuux 0
Chaezen 0
Nathan1232 0
alibahmani 0
Gooby128 0
min9ha 0
Abo7geg 0
SmellThatDing 0
Lemonlimetime 0
Brutallyblunt 0
PappaDeeke 0
darkzerocool 0
DMantheG 0
plagefurr 0
Mazrym 0
ThePimpingFish 0
Shujack 0
lkdp1of2 0
NotVeritas 0
PickleWick07 0
Dahrion 0
boyrecluse 0
LaraJuggs 0
Madman2112 0
Knowitall42 0
Sylvesterpoop 0
Sirshortneck 0
d11do 0
Lans3r 0
Dionizzos 0
Ravagh 0
EvilLink0029 0
LolaLaLaLaLaLola 920
Ricardo10FC 27,416
hanaann 0
fanourios999 185,411
Bacuda 0
ObiWanKenoballs 0
grimmsrea 0
Putecat 1,056
Hattori1Hanzo 0
Persefene 612,326
Baalthizar 0
ChrisTheHungry 0
boondocksaint89 0
Valavingeee 0
OnWe 0
Aharcos20 0
Phreek99 0
Tecet 0
zorginutz 0
CaptWyoDad 0
CharleyJuls 0
naddri 0
TheMysticSkylar 0
SullivanPotter 0
CPI78 0
JoseAntonioPined 0
drphair 0
ViisDK 0
Mamali2000 0
AliCris 21,105,909
Deamonblade 0
Polappo 0
EdwardHarald 0
AdranOdel 0
natenatenate 0
HudsonRossBoyd 0
DeanAVentresca 0
KingFish23 0
VeiledSoul 0
Sindalis 0
zimbabweIII 0
Darktitos 0
Kn0chens 0
aztro007 0
Braydonxp 0
EViiiD 0
Yocoo13 54,900
Tokyopro 0
NiceVeeber 0
zxcAlucard 50,646
Joeyuden 0
AliceGlass 128,523
Mrnegm 0
kainosuke 0
AinzTheKiller 0
NobleSharpBearer 0
PussyjuiceShake 0
Insipio 0
jebatcuvammajku 0
mommagoob420 0
SiguredTheGreat 0
Zotogon 0
Dupreezy 0
Fairytaya 0
Ostmar 42,261
ElderFlash 0
Eirahildr 0
Perseus4114 0
OgChRoNiC 0
Ceriminal 0
CarlosCarvalho 0
SerfSwizzleton 0
ItsManuVz 0
elllielitos 0
MrDvS 0
DasWindBurn 0
NixPirita 0
IrisFlower 0
LooneyBinzz 0
Rdod 0
Galadriath 0
Karixius 0
CLA55Master 0
Hazard5Vx 0
TheWiseToast1 0
Aruthorr 0
EvolExtacy 0

Previous Guild Members

100 Previous