Guild info

The Strings of destiny

Guild ID: The Strings of destiny
Founder Name: Freyaironside
Date Founded: 2024-05-14
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 58,539,734
Death Fame: 68,934,450
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 5 from 10 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

42 Members
Name KillFame
0Nicolas9 348,564
ElRalex 568,032
zagiry 111,050,214
artemisa52 1,021,175
JonSnow5555 4,673,441
Alexonki 0
Rozco 164,646,477
Kakugyouki 360,401
ParedesII 1,856
elmasi1706 2,958,883
HeLLboYbAr 41,283,564
Franccini 792,607
EbbiAshe 83,027,048
BdavidV 152,068
xDarux 913,107
VanirIII 1,036,327
mishi93 46,026,004
BOLOXD 19,484,319
LEVYHARD 462,802,959
lWolverinel 127,585
maxter11 18,276
Wizardfireo7D 250,614
Demonjosue 43,842
keammu 1,961,757
NKayser 0
RulemanGG 692,691
SarnaConRabia 0
yasum 61,704,072
esterno127k 3,525,549
Yonathan20 5,813,649
jthewolfg 31,022,213
LuCGoL 1,230,268
plusbaba 4,458,969
Wallace24 7,416,338
CENEFTI 388,270
decuerdas 8,963,740
Cabezapela 162,434
KeycKol4 49,392
Racknarlotbrock 62,157,194
StefanoBP 901,366
LadyNiight 11,543,378
EbbiObba 5,205,695

Previous Guild Members

13 Previous