
Guild Name: The Filthy Casuals III
Alliance ID: 7viCEgcISw6x_9cqZarOFQ
Alliance Tag:
DeathFame: 28,350
Kill Fame: 81,195
FameRatio: 2.86

Guild History

First seen: 10 Nov 21 Last seen 10 Nov 21
The Filthy Casuals III (62) Last seen 29 Jun 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Aipytos | Aug 22nd, 2017 | Participants: Aipytos |
YearXero | Aug 10th, 2017 | Participants: CRONUZ | Preka | YearXero |
Freyya | Aug 3rd, 2017 | Participants: Kaelzao | Toffoli | GermanoLeite | ZeDoido | Freyya | Mello |
Monsterod | Aug 1st, 2017 | Participants: madman3063 | Searinaux | Bluemanitou | BowCraft | Undac | Monsterod |
C1rce | Jul 30th, 2017 | Participants: C3LLI | Wirindi | Schwede | Hotako | Reicr | Lugzi | Kezia | Arkan0id | Evilz | Ligyr0n | Kripo | C1rce |
SHOWTIMEEE | Jul 27th, 2017 | Participants: GreedyPanda | Wakamama | SHOWTIMEEE | Villaz | Kanallero | Syphax |
Scopel | Jul 27th, 2017 | Participants: Filshinger | Steinhb | Loloz | Nickao | Parkus | TheusRS | Kad | Bacharel | xRaSeLx | NightRaid | LoveThay | Chandleer | Igao | Faiou | Vitao | Megiee | Scopel | Donbull | Fenices | zSkadi | TomBombadil | Malkav | KeepCalm | Theduck | KoRnlicious | Shimo | Corinthiano | S4bota | Nuno |
Fulero | Jul 26th, 2017 | Participants: Bellatryx | Grunndor | Tortoyse | Fulero | rodrigoFAC | Kaelzao |
ZeDoido | Jul 26th, 2017 | Participants: rodrigoFAC | Parkus | Kaelzao | xRaSeLx | Gruntz | Filshinger | Krommrak | Fulero | Igao | BALERION | Klokke | Toudy | kyan | HaaDes | Grunndor | billions | Tortoyse | Chr1sT | Heldor | Bellatryx | Kyel | HattoriHanz0 | Guillen | ZeDoido | Neder | Flintt | Nimb | Pololoka | Kysan | SkolBeats | Zonyx | Morloke |
Kad | Jul 26th, 2017 | Participants: Dere | BoaVei | HaaDes | Taurien | Bacharel | Kaidoh | Pololoka | Amarelo | Hoofed | Kaelzao | ARAKZIN | Teeam | Pernambuco | Tortoyse | Kad | Guillen | Santtana | ElBecko | xRaSeLx | Colossus0 |