
Guild Name:
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 26,828,534
Kill Fame: 19,591,527
FameRatio: 0.73

Guild History

(2) First seen: 04 Feb 24 Last seen 04 Feb 24
Tainted Tyranny First seen: 31 Aug 21 Last seen 31 Aug 21
Coven of Elite Magick (59) First seen: 28 Jun 21 Last seen 29 Aug 21
EQMS EQMS (238) First seen: 10 Dec 21 Last seen 10 Dec 21
Bunch Of Clown (2) First seen: 17 Dec 21 Last seen 29 Dec 21
Bandana Brothers (102) First seen: 04 Sep 21 Last seen 27 Jun 22

Kill & Death Fame History

current Kill: 1,418,160 - 14,788,657
current Death: 1,876,776 - 17,473,725

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Laminuss | May 22nd, 2022 | Participants: hun1000 | Laminuss | EElviera | Nurcing |
Fenix1CZ | May 21st, 2022 | Participants: Sanysan | Hogwa | gameplayzzc | NetMiso |
JaZwann | May 16th, 2022 | Participants: JaZwann | Wawakilat | Kyomimi | Svnxxxhine |
RzoRzoRzo | May 16th, 2022 | Participants: ColaLover | GrapeQAQ | qlzm | ALenaaaa |
ArthuriaAlter | May 16th, 2022 | Participants: Unlcorns | 706551 | oidska | JOJOJons |
Arg2prmrd | May 15th, 2022 | Participants: TannkerNejla | Arg2prmrd | MrJackCun | Sbrayan |
BacHoCuuNuoc | May 14th, 2022 | Participants: vilc | Tama1 | BacHoCuuNuoc | Woodruff |
coladaddy | May 8th, 2022 | Participants: xMLx | COUNBO | jingugu | whyoubullyme |
NutellaOnTeemo | May 7th, 2022 | Participants: KroKovS | thranduil7 | Narisssa | Thoisel |
Moyllu3DyK | May 6th, 2022 | Participants: FoRealITA | Moyllu3DyK |