Guild Name:
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 10,072,218
Kill Fame: 5,867,770
FameRatio: 0.58

Guild History

Quinta Ordem (289) First seen: 23 Jul 23 Last seen 23 Sep 23
AIpha Team First seen: 09 Mar 22 Last seen 14 Mar 22
Dem0ns and Wizards First seen: 14 May 22 Last seen 25 May 22
desavence (126) First seen: 04 Oct 23 Last seen 07 May 24
Patrulha do Deserto (3) First seen: 18 Mar 22 Last seen 14 May 22
Demons and Wizards (95) First seen: 26 May 22 Last seen 10 Sep 22

Kill & Death Fame History

current Kill: 20,910 - 28,173,383
current Death: 388,968 - 17,006,252

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Ban2boy | Mar 23rd, 2024 | Participants: Plasttic | rlacks | Ban2boy | reasan |
Xunero | Mar 9th, 2024 | Participants: IRollNeed | SushiPlz | M0no13 | Moonbug |
Whets | Mar 8th, 2024 | Participants: jinwookun1 | Rotchett | OXOM20 | Drakoxblue |
CerdoFeroz | Mar 7th, 2024 | Participants: GaryVuelveACasa | Samhael246 | JGFortune | AleOrtex |
cualpack | Mar 1st, 2024 | Participants: FRANHKLKK | RebornNyx | Argwint | cualpack |
SCYalbert | Feb 29th, 2024 | Participants: SCYalbert | MyNameIsBad | Tensheyy |
20inti17 | Feb 20th, 2024 | Participants: TheDarckSoul | 20inti17 | FcknEliza | Dducknka |
DaniieRR | Feb 15th, 2024 | Participants: zoget | miguelito45 | walpaper | Jullihuer |
THOMYzera | Feb 15th, 2024 | Participants: THOMYzera |
TheRealZaty | Feb 15th, 2024 | Participants: TheRealZaty | TBanj |