Guild Name: the UDON
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 628,387
Kill Fame: 203,112
FameRatio: 0.32

Guild History

SAKURA (23) Last seen 08 Apr 20
the UDON (9) Last seen 03 Jun 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Privan | May 29th, 2020 | Participants: Privan | Brysiek |
diegodios | May 29th, 2020 | Participants: diegodios | gbca |
Unbesiegt | May 29th, 2020 | Participants: Edupp | Unbesiegt |
RichBaby | May 29th, 2020 | Participants: RichBaby |
Dennek | May 26th, 2020 | Participants: Dennek | Seerlena | Donotcry |
Overtaker95 | May 24th, 2020 | Participants: Rira | Overtaker95 | Persefona | Gek |
karimspas12 | May 20th, 2020 | Participants:
EvillStorm | May 19th, 2020 | Participants: mopy | EvillStorm |
Stenya | May 16th, 2020 | Participants: Stenya | Talismancka |
Blytaman | May 16th, 2020 | Participants: konskript | Blytaman |