
Guild Name: The Boys that make NOISE
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 636,394
Kill Fame: 14,076
FameRatio: 0.02

Guild History

The Boys that make NOISE (82) First seen: 18 Feb 24 Last seen 01 Jul 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Aledisc | Feb 23rd, 2024 | Participants: HiperActivo | Aledisc | 6oLoZa | YONKOUCHYKY |
JoaquinRA | Feb 18th, 2024 | Participants: 0scarDavid | shduwsong | JoaquinRA | Jhordo |
xsirilo | Feb 14th, 2024 | Participants: xsirilo | elfuertemanu |
Khasthiel | Feb 14th, 2024 | Participants: Raccoon76 | sentry28 | xxusso | soldy21 |