
Guild Name:
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 2,701,447
Kill Fame: 483,008
FameRatio: 0.18

Guild History

Knights of Empire (224) First seen: 11 Jan 24 Last seen 20 Mar 24
Empire of Knights (4) Last seen 10 Jun 20

Kill & Death Fame History

No valid history found

Last Deaths by killer

1OIITiMicT1 | Jan 24th, 2024 | Participants: TvoyKotik | Dehip | Gooobka | Resurfaced |
SNB2023 | Jan 23rd, 2024 | Participants: SNB2023 |
GooglyMoogly4834 | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: GooglyMoogly4834 |
ZathamDaViret | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: ZathamDaViret |
AbusingPvE | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: AbusingPvE |
Myologys | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: Myologys |
Bosstecno | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: Bosstecno |
KuntaKinde | Jan 22nd, 2024 | Participants: KuntaKinde |
patiwiezel | Jan 21st, 2024 | Participants: patiwiezel |
Angel1tho12 | Jan 21st, 2024 | Participants: Angel1tho12 |