
Guild Name: The Lab
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 9,322,556
Kill Fame: 4,816,792
FameRatio: 0.52

Guild History

(2) First seen: 15 Jul 21 Last seen 15 Jul 21
The Lab (3) First seen: 07 Jul 21 Last seen 01 Jul 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Yhme | May 27th, 2022 | Participants: Yhme |
Tomallo | Jan 10th, 2022 | Participants: Tomallo | NyssaSoSerious |
Daroxko | Jan 10th, 2022 | Participants: Daegeshco | Daroxko |
Daroxko | Jan 10th, 2022 | Participants: Daegeshco | Daroxko |
BornaDG | Jan 10th, 2022 | Participants: BornaDG | 0niko | Fortaoo |
CPTiny | Jan 10th, 2022 | Participants: VovoGuerreiro | TYasuoT | CPTiny | LucasClaro |
Galadrielz | Jan 4th, 2022 | Participants: Galadrielz |
MaskOff | Dec 18th, 2021 | Participants: CREATlVE | Hymmerrin | MaskOff |
Excalibur9 | Nov 28th, 2021 | Participants: NaiDaLi | Excalibur9 |
lordProfez | Nov 28th, 2021 | Participants: lordProfez | Skoddiona |