
Guild Name: Black and Blue
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 370,382
Kill Fame: 43,080
FameRatio: 0.12

Guild History

Black and Blue (18) First seen: 24 May 20 Last seen 05 Jul 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Motoraton | Oct 28th, 2020 | Participants: Ryanner | devasstador | Motoraton | Sckanor |
Zero4Zero | Sep 7th, 2020 | Participants: Destiefy | Trollili | Rubberpalm | Zero4Zero |
ZeeroHeero | Aug 23rd, 2020 | Participants: Balcon | ZeeroHeero | Iglakol |
zoomixrv | Aug 5th, 2020 | Participants: Shaathy | Atnice | xsedden | zoomixrv |
TheFookinGM | Jul 4th, 2020 | Participants: FreyaSummoner | TheFookinGM | Owen1 |
Allday | Jul 4th, 2020 | Participants: Allday | Masu01 | TheFookinGM | Owen1 |
SlumDweller | Jun 29th, 2020 | Participants: HER0ES | Salysvi | angelmonster | SHlRA |
Rectoverso | Jun 25th, 2020 | Participants: AnlakiPl | Piskorz | Rectoverso |
IMaLoriKI | Jun 13th, 2020 | Participants: Varaell | Mentallitet | IMaLoriKI | CRocodail |
Flonchik | Jun 12th, 2020 | Participants: Flonchik |