
Guild Name: The Dragon Fist
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 11,907,420
Kill Fame: 2,322,582
FameRatio: 0.2

Guild History

I N S O L E N T (120) First seen: 29 Mar 23 Last seen 12 Apr 23
The Dragon Fist (13) First seen: 23 Jul 22 Last seen 04 Jul 24
Legion Tiliners First seen: 21 Jul 22 Last seen 23 Jul 22
LA REVELION ASSASSIN (3) First seen: 16 Jul 22 Last seen 17 Jul 22

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Ameleee | Nov 5th, 2023 | Participants: Ameleee | Asyaina | Neymat |
AlecriimDourado | Nov 1st, 2023 | Participants: AlecriimDourado | BlackFnn | tkxl | Roinar |
pDiasX1 | Oct 30th, 2023 | Participants: Teobaldox | Pliniologo | pDiasX1 |
Darkspeck | Oct 29th, 2023 | Participants: Darkspeck |
DonLubu | Oct 29th, 2023 | Participants: DonLubu | Hajdasekk |
lonelf | Oct 29th, 2023 | Participants: NiBiandie | Dkert | AWYf | QWccc |
etials | Oct 27th, 2023 | Participants: etials |
Phant0m88 | Oct 25th, 2023 | Participants: Phant0m88 |
MapetcuP | Oct 25th, 2023 | Participants: MapetcuP |
Exedy | Oct 25th, 2023 | Participants: elpepepeppppepee | NEPO22 | Amelio4d | Exedy |