
Guild Name: reign of qc
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 437,232
Kill Fame: 0
FameRatio: 0

Guild History

reign of qc (9) First seen: 28 Apr 24 Last seen 03 Jul 24
Eliseum (173) First seen: 01 Mar 24 Last seen 10 Mar 24

Kill & Death Fame History

No valid history found

Last Deaths by killer

Thund3rChick3n25 | May 15th, 2024 | Participants: MrsThunderChickn | Thund3rChick3n25 |
Thund3rChick3n25 | May 15th, 2024 | Participants: MrsThunderChickn | Thund3rChick3n25 |
deSing | May 14th, 2024 | Participants: deSing | Ahlay |
CXxKINGxX3 | May 10th, 2024 | Participants: CXxKINGxX3 |
ArBomba | Apr 10th, 2024 | Participants: ArBomba | KTOPIK1 | Gabella089 | siliticus |
koko2244 | Apr 10th, 2024 | Participants: koko2244 | 00l00l00l00l00 |
Tsuchie | Apr 6th, 2024 | Participants: Tsuchie |
RainhaDaTopLane | Apr 3rd, 2024 | Participants: RainhaDaTopLane |
avtosalon | Mar 31st, 2024 | Participants: avtosalon | MadlyFriar | BboyT18 |
parca19 | Mar 29th, 2024 | Participants: parca19 |