
Guild Name:
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 85,481
Kill Fame: 200,272
FameRatio: 2.34

Guild History

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania (55)

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

Tabor | Jun 16th, 2019 | Participants: Tabor |
Drottani | Jun 10th, 2019 | Participants: JKroph | uccle | Drottani | HruMMM |
Kite | May 25th, 2019 | Participants: Kite | Loran |
Kirsei | May 14th, 2019 | Participants: Dpep | Kirsei |
Wapokya | May 12th, 2019 | Participants: Gaulmont | Wapokya |
NonNomen | May 12th, 2019 | Participants: NonNomen | Kopai | Trapter |