
Guild Name: The Happy Guild
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 449,038
Kill Fame: 30,480
FameRatio: 0.07

Guild History

The Happy Guild (18) First seen: 20 Jun 22 Last seen 03 Jul 24

Kill & Death Fame History

current Kill: 22,752 - 24,864
current Death: 86,484 - 326,111

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

CChinaW | Jul 3rd, 2022 | Participants: CChinaW |
DoPinG | Jul 1st, 2022 | Participants: DoPinG |
imavernohappy | Jul 1st, 2022 | Participants: imavernohappy |
cnmaa | Jul 1st, 2022 | Participants: cnmaa |
ZhengHuoDaR | Jun 23rd, 2022 | Participants: ZhengHuoDaR |
patronkM16A4 | Jun 21st, 2022 | Participants: Patriot01 | patronkM16A4 |
CondeVampa | Jun 5th, 2022 | Participants: CondeVampa | Leyzan |
Osorio | May 31st, 2022 | Participants: Osorio | Zeeysz |