
Guild Name: Knights of Ouroboros
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 187,242
Kill Fame: 0
FameRatio: 0

Guild History

Knights of Ouroboros (16) First seen: 15 Nov 22 Last seen 04 Jul 24

Kill & Death Fame History

No valid history found

Last Deaths by killer

gg69 | Mar 30th, 2023 | Participants:
B111t | Mar 30th, 2023 | Participants: B111t | kromlok | FenRiRJR |
Katastr0ffa | Mar 27th, 2023 | Participants: Katastr0ffa | mYs1ck |
kozawbutach | Nov 14th, 2022 | Participants: kozawbutach | Fleyliber | CronoxFR |
Legrina | Nov 14th, 2022 | Participants: Legrina | ondra8020 |