
Guild Name:
No Alliance data
DeathFame: 629,277,624
Kill Fame: 36,094,338
FameRatio: 0.06

Guild History

First seen: 15 Jun 22 Last seen 15 Jun 22
RUSSIAN GUILD (250) First seen: 24 May 22 Last seen 22 Jun 22
Rightness (5) First seen: 11 Sep 21 Last seen 16 Sep 21
Nordic Tribe Academy (6) First seen: 21 Sep 21 Last seen 21 Sep 21
Dyrdomm (14) First seen: 20 Nov 20 Last seen 24 Nov 20
War Gods (184) First seen: 23 Jun 22 Last seen 03 Sep 22
AvalonsMasters (35) First seen: 30 Apr 21 Last seen 31 May 21
Black Forge Orcs (23) First seen: 04 Dec 20 Last seen 29 Aug 21
The Order Of Sin (30) First seen: 07 May 22 Last seen 23 May 22
Daimond (96) First seen: 08 Oct 21 Last seen 12 Nov 21

Kill & Death Fame History

current Kill: 111,219 - 12,315,237
current Death: 1,106,769 - 111,231,275

current Kill: 240,852 - 12,315,237
current Death: 1,737,668 - 117,904,913

current Kill: 309,733 - 12,642,804
current Death: 2,911,904 - 137,519,516

current Kill: 560,173 - 13,705,285
current Death: 3,852,202 - 200,180,347

current Kill: 1,344,591 - 13,895,258
current Death: 3,852,202 - 202,194,686

current Kill: 2,191,481 - 14,843,031
current Death: 4,174,389 - 217,847,901

current Kill: 2,243,381 - 16,493,518
current Death: 4,197,093 - 294,265,970

current Kill: 1,433,619 - 23,842,075
current Death: 7,457,263 - 479,396,818

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

GodCactus | Jun 27th, 2022 | Participants: CudSix | saobang1006 | GodCactus | lMNGYN |
Diguin612 | Jun 26th, 2022 | Participants: Grifoner | Diguin612 | Holl0 | lexalove |
foreverWORLD | Jun 26th, 2022 | Participants: abczxxd | MiniTravka9 | Disoer | foreverWORLD |
Albionkittenz | Jun 26th, 2022 | Participants: T4ifun | guantess | SharkGg | Jormungan |
polosik | Jun 25th, 2022 | Participants: TheLastPianist | polosik |
woshitiantian | Jun 25th, 2022 | Participants: woshitiantian | Qikexiu |
gzznb | Jun 25th, 2022 | Participants: HongMiao | Tiiiin | whyoubullyme | Erictsang |
coladaddy | Jun 25th, 2022 | Participants: Erictsang | HongMiao | Tiiiin | whyoubullyme |
L0shka | Jun 25th, 2022 | Participants: LoveJah | DigoLinoDoCS | VilleZ | L0shka |
Back2BackBengt | Jun 24th, 2022 | Participants: Stonemaan | Back2BackBengt | Sindrakin | MechanizedDanger |