
Guild Name: O P P R E S S I O N
Alliance ID: jc-Ka-WuS3Cp4tIPhks6RQ
Alliance Tag:
DeathFame: 1,527,726
Kill Fame: 414,694
FameRatio: 0.27

Guild History

O P P R E S S I O N (14) First seen: 23 Jun 24 Last seen 04 Jul 24
The Path of Destiny (81) First seen: 03 Jun 24 Last seen 16 Jun 24

Kill & Death Fame History

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Last Deaths by killer

ZoedeGato | Jul 3rd, 2024 | Participants: ClownOfHell | Psycopataa | ZoedeGato | Khazinho |
poderosoDK | Jul 2nd, 2024 | Participants: poderosoDK |
Diisa | Jul 2nd, 2024 | Participants: Zloikot2 |
ElC0R4Z0N | Jun 29th, 2024 | Participants: Troipa | Balrog404 | ElC0R4Z0N | Yriskell |
Spinsker | Jun 26th, 2024 | Participants: ToopyScoops | AbysmAbbey | Spinsker | darkn3sslay |
Tdxxxx | Jun 22nd, 2024 | Participants: Tdxxxx | ikerzx |
HDosPapasFritasH | Jun 21st, 2024 | Participants: maeztrexz | x3zGamerr | Rem2160 | HDosPapasFritasH |
LuisRRH | Jun 21st, 2024 | Participants: LuisRRH |
pr0Tiny | Jun 21st, 2024 | Participants: pr0Tiny | Muffsa |
Tron6 | Jun 21st, 2024 | Participants: Tron6 |